Friday, May 20, 2016

♥ Rina the Duck ♀

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Jumaat. Semalam diri ini rasa buruk macam ugly duckling, tapi harini rasa cantik, terlebih cantik macam Vivy Yusof cos im wearing dUCkscarves. Thanks @angeline for the xmas gift 😘 one of my wishlist is to have this adorable premium scarf and she fulfilled it 😍 I cant afford to have this luxury shawl 😭 shawl Rina semua murah beli dari Jalan Tar haha.
 DUCK FACE SELFIE Love,Rina Kalau nak jadi brand ambassador kenalah menjiwai brand dan product tu. So Rina betul menjiwai watak and be in the character πŸ‘„quack quack Hehe.. OMG Rina πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ "DONT U EVER DO DUCK FACE or i will... SEAL UR πŸ’‹ WITH DUCT TAPE" πŸ˜…
 Bye @enwei Sad that u leaving us 😒😒😒 (sad duck face),but Happy to know that ur dream to fly and become FA has come true. All the best with ur "coffee,tea or me" journey.Jangan lupa ahh update Dayre life as a cabin crew. CHECK IN SWEEDEN πŸ˜… and share more ur travelog photos around the world.
 Ive been appointed as Suria KLCC ambassador because I ALWAYS came here for lunch πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Siang tadi buat photo shoot for the billboard,u can see this ads nanti dalam mimpi 😁 * stupz Angeline, just because my baju n shawl same color as their corporate colour, she go n forced me to take picture n pose infront of everyone πŸŒΈπŸ’œπŸ˜…
 Wo Wo Wow look at the line so looong sampai ke Sephora. Wonder why the que was damn long? Every Friday in May, ALL REGULAR DRINK ARE RM 5! today is FRIDAY,20 MAY🍹 πŸ™ˆ tadi tak nak sekarang nak pulak.sindrom makcik" sudah ON bila tengok ada free stuff,promo or sale semua nakπŸ˜… This angeline make me que for the drink but she go jalan jalan πŸ‘™πŸ˜  but as Suriaambassador I cannot marah visitor πŸ˜… I had Longan Red Date Tea with Basil Seeds = Milk booster, even my fav is winter melon signature drink

 Ngap Ngap Munching Time!! Baru habis makan 2packs of these colorful mini fruits πŸŽπŸŠπŸ“πŸ‹πŸ‡ its "LUK CHUP" very popular Thai dessert dish made of mung bean. Akhirnya dapat juga merasa thai candy luk chup dari Little Nangkam. Tak sampai hati nak makan sebab terlampau comel.Beli from my Bff norwira yang memang asli orang Thai. Kalau nak beli sila PM πŸ˜… p/: Selain duta Suria KLCC, rina juga dilantik sebagai duta Little Nangkam πŸ˜… duta tak berbayar haha. Rindu makan todman dekat kedai Nangkam.
Sebelum tidur kita layan motivational quotes dulu. Hurm Rina lah itik itu, Mak itik yang nampak calm and cool bersama anak anak. Tetapi hakikatnya bukan senang nak membesarkan dan jaga anak anak tau πŸ˜‚ I HAVE to give 110% attention to them.Easy to love hard to raise. Pada luaran kita nampak happy,tenang tetapi dalam dasar hati tak siapa yang tau perasaan sebenar.i try my best to make myself happy dan sedaya upaya usaha buat yang terbaik demi menjaga hati semua orang. GOOD NIGHT 😴

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