Wednesday, July 14, 2010

♥ Go Away Callus!!! ♀

Arghhhh gara-gara Callus tidurku ga' pules(lena).. Ingatkan lepas musim World Cup berakhir boleh tidur in time macam biasa.. ternyata tidak.. Callus make me stay awake at night.. I cannot sleep well at night :( .. Huh siapa ini Callus yang bikin tidur malamku ga' pules..

Ehh Callus bukan Casillas..Ini Iker Casillas Goal Keeper Spain & Real Madrid yang dapat award Golden Glove tuk WC10.. VIVA ESPANA!! chehh sempat lagi.. Kalo mimpi Casillas tiap malam pasti la tidurku lena =P.. Tapi yang menganggu Rynna tiap malam si Callus bukan Casillas..

tiap pagi, siang ,petang, malam Callus mengangguku..menci tull!!


I have Corns on my right foot and I'm suffering from this pain for almost 2 month :( ..It's so painful, I cannot even walk sometime.. nampak je halus dan comei tapi sakit ok!! I think this corns caused by frequently wearing tight shoes.. degil kalo bersukan pakai sport shoe ketat, huh dah tentu-tentu dan pasti lar activities causing pressure.. Padan muka Rynna!!

Banyak kali dahh Affi tolong removed corn tuh pake BLADE ok, dah macam surgery tau.. menjerit dan terngiang-ngiang tahan sakit.. tapi nak buat macam mana, tahan je lar.. sbb tak suka tgk lebih kulit tu tumbuh lagi.. However it comes back as usual.. hurmm fed up cos it doesn't cure my corn..

Lately ni makin sakit sangat, tiap mlm tidur pasti deh denyut-denyut kakiku sakit sgt, before it grows or get worse, I should get treatment or medicine to ease corn pain..

- DUOFILM for treatment of warts, corns and calluses -

Kecil-kecil dulu Rynna slalu juga kena kutil, mama sering pake kan Colomax, suka sgt pake colomax dingin banget... Kali ni coba Duofilm.. mo liat hasilnya gimana..

- applied Duofilm -

Before applying, soak the feet with warm water


Corn caps help relive pressure on a corn and clinically proven to remove corns

Rynna kena kurangkan aktiviti dan berjalan.. ciannn...
x boleh practice Nobody But Chu :(

Once you have corn in your tore or finger go and buy corn plaster, cepat sebelum terlambat!!Don't Wait Til Last Minute..
Otherwise the infection area will coming back again.

♥ AYW ♀