Monday, August 29, 2016

♥ Salary Y U No Arrive, Y U No Stay ♀

Note to self:
This is what happen when you are broke at the end of the month and waiting for the salary to come in. 

PLS Blame yourself for not managing the money well 😂

🕚 11am
Check Bal in account RM12.21 😭

 Salary why you not in yet 😢

🕛 12pm
Check balance still RM12.21 😂

So sad right haha

Ok forget about salary, Jom lunch dulu.. jangan stress, sooner or later pasti tetap masuk.

Had happy lunch with @ninakamar @rebeccakieww and @nicolevalarie at Mamak Lorong even salary not in yet :) 

no matter how we called ourself as broke, bersyukurlah masih boleh belanja makan, masih ramai yang susah di luat sana. syukur selalu

🕜 1.30pm



The moment u see ur acct balance from RM12.21 to xxxx the feeling i tell youuuuuu...


Rich for half n hour je 😭
Where does all the money go???

Haizz pay debt here n there,bills,commitment,etc.. 
how to enjoy retirement liddis 😂

And then have to survive 💪

Every month do the same thing all over again, waiting and waiting for Pay Day hahaha

Glad to know know that Im not alone 😂 hi ✋


You have no idea how long ive waited for you 😂



See how happy he is, 
Mummy ada duit ke takde duit ke dia tetap STAY Happy sayang Mummy 😘
The only thing he nof happy if he's not getting nenen 🍼🙈

Dapat gaji mesti makan makan, tapi malam ni jimat tak nak bazir. 

KFC for Dinner

I remember when I got my first salary 14yrs back, the first thing I do is belanja my family eat KFC. Yup KFC, McD's is a must. Waaah that time happy edy, belanja makan besar 😁

Walaupun gaji cuma RM700 tapi kena kongsi rezeki.

Happy Kids + Happy Mom

Note to myself 😂
Control spending tu Rina! 

Good Night,
💤DREAM to be RICH💤


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